

Music festivals

On the

Many festivals take place all year long on Couesnon Marches de Bretagne. They offer conviviality and shared moments for music lovers as families !





Jean Langlais Festival


Festival in honour of Jean Langlais, composer of modern classical music and organist, born in La Fontelle. Free concerts in July-August in many churches of the departement.

More information later in the year 2021.

Practical informations :
Association Les Amis de Jean Langlais – + 33 (0)2 99 97 68 14 – Contact by E-Mail




Ô les Biaux légumes Festival 

Le Châtellier


Family-friendly festival on the vegetable farm of Le Fretay, in July.
This festival gathers the promotion of a sustainable agriculture (permaculture) by many activities (workshop, guided tours, lectures…) with the music and many concerts.

More information later in the year 2021.

Practical informations :
Association Silence on sème | Facebook Page




Titour Festival

Les Portes du Coglais


Indoor festival with a festive and eclectic program in the Mazieres reception room (town centre of La Selle-en-Coglès) in the month of October.

More information later in the year 2021.

Practical informations :
Tickets will be in sale in the Tourist Offices of Bazouges-la-Pérouse and Maen Roch.
Association Info Festival | | Facebook Page





Les Flambées Celtik Festival


Annual event of celtic music and celtic culture in the Pays de Fougères, at the end of January.
Many concents, shows and events are settled all around the territory.

Canceled in 2021 due to the sanitary crisis – Next program available in January 2022.

Practical informations :
Tickets for the events organized in Couesnon Marches de Bretagne towns will be in sale in the Tourist Offices of Bazouges-la-Pérouse and Maen Roch.
Facebook page





En Mai la musique fait carrière Festival

Saint-Marc-le-Blanc – Thursday 26th of May 2022


Festival in the unusual place of an ancient granite career decorated with sculptures, on the Ascension Thursday.
This festival offers a festive evening with a eclectic rock group program !

The 2021 festival is cancelled due to the Sanitary crisis.

Practical informations :
Tickets will be in sale at the Tourism Information Point in Maen Roch.
Association Les Picaous | Blog : | Facebook Page




Le 27/12/2024

Marché à la ferme


Le 11/01/2025

Stages danses africaines et soirée repas africain


Le 12/01/2025

Chorale de Noël – Les Chants du Mesnil


Le 26/01/2025

Train, dragon et mobylette – Théâtre musical


Le 28/01/2025

Randonnée pédestre à Noyal-sous-Bazouges


Le 02/02/2025

Randonnée pédestre à Tremblay Val-Couesnon
