
Unmissable attractions
Bazouges-la-Pérouse, character village

Bazouges-la-Pérouse, character village

Siege of powerful institutions during the Middle Age, the village of Bazouges-la-Pérouse keeps today the charm of its remarkable heritage, like its singular church, its granite and timber-framed houses. The town will also surprise you by the beauty of its natural areas.



Bazouges-la-Pérouse - Rue du Maine

Rue de l'église de Bazouges-la-Pérouse


■ Bazouges-la-Pérouse, a charming village to explore

Bazouges-la-Pérouse, is classified as a “Petite cité de Caractère”.

It has always been a border-city and an exchange place. Nowadays, a free guide named “the alchemist’s artist” invites you to observe its curious heritage. With this guide, you will discover all the secrets of the village. This booklet is available at the Tourist Office or you can download it here.




■ Bazouges-la-Pérouse, a source of inspiration for artists

Village of the poetess Angèle Vannier, Bazouges-la-Pérouse has always inspired many artists. You will find three Art Galleries in a place named « Le Village ». Many outside pieces of art are on your walk during a visit in the town, you can find all of them following these map.

The village, every year in August, welcome a famous painting contest “Couleurs de Bretagne”. During one day, many artists are coming to paint in the streets.



Bazouges-la-Pérouse à vélo

Bazouges-la-Pérouse - Maison de Sandrine


■ Bazouges-la-Pérouse and its heritage

In the 16th century, Bazouges-la-Pérouse had 5 000 inhabitants. Most of them were farmers or shopkeepers. The village conserved many traces of this period and numerous marks of this past. Don’t miss ; Le Manoir du Colombier, the house of ” the hanged mens” with its curious faces on the wall. Also the house of the King’s prosecutor and its magnificent corner window, is worth seeing.




Eglise de Bazouges-la-Pérouse - Chapiteau historié


■ Bazouges-la-Pérouse and its unmissable church

At the top of the village, the Saint-Pierre and Saint-Paul’s church surprises by the originality of its architecture. Indeed at the 12th century, two churches have been attached together, uniting their six naves. Completely redesigned  during the 19th century, the church reveals, now, some magnificent stained-glasses.



Fête du pommé à Bazouges-la-Pérouse Décor fête du pommé à Bazouges-la-Pérouse


■ Bazouges-la-Pérouse and the “pommé”

Le pommé is a real gourmet tradition in Bazouges-la-Pérouse. It’s a kind of jam made from apples and new cider. 24 hours of cooking are needed to “ramaouger le pommé” (as we say in the local dialect kown as “gallo”). Every year, in October, its preparation is celebrated during a festival. You’ll be able to experience some of the traditionals songs and animations !



Parc de Bellevue


■ Bazouges-la-Pérouse and the park of Bellevue

Le Parc de Bellevue is a quiet place which welcome today a retirement home. Some contemporary artistic sculptures are located in the park. Another curiosity in this place  is the Château de Bellevue. From 1949 to 1977, it welcomed a special school, created by the writer Michel Bouts, for children with scholar difficulties.
In the park, you can discover the On y retrouve aujourd’hui le PEPS (Pedagogical and scientific environmental hub) intend to highlight this area with insect hotels, apiaries and ancient species of apple trees.

Due to the sanitary crisis, mask remain compulsory during your stroll into the park. Indeed, the park is welcoming a Life Center for people with disabilites whose habitants need to be protected from the virus.



Bazouges-la-Pérouse - Portail de Martigné


■ Bazouges-la-Pérouse, beyond the village

Bazouges-la-Pérouse has other curiosities in its countryside. An unmissable stop is, obviously, the Chateau de la Ballue and its gardens, specialized in the topiary art.

In the direction of Marcillé-Raoul, you can observe the imposing gates of Martigné. This is one of the last testimony of a fortified manor which has recently been restored by an heritage association name APPAC.




■ Bazouges-la-Pérouse and its forest

Bazouges-la-Pérouse is linked to the forest of Villecartier. This forest of oaks and beeches covers over 1000 ha. Today, it’s a place of wood production.

Crossed by many hiking trails, the forest welcomes a large pond and a leisure center called Récrénature with numerous activities : miniature port, tree climbing, toy library, playgrounds and restaurant.


Tourist Office in the center of the village
2 place de l’Hôtel de Ville
+33 (0)2 99 97 40 94
Contact by email

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