Local products and handicraft
Find here all the best places that we heard about (French leaflet) :
Flavors and expertise are present on the territory of Couesnon Marches de Bretagne ! The local speciality is the “Pommé”, but the territory has other amazing gourmet surprises ! Also, many artists and craftsmen live on our territory and open their workshop on apoitment.
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Produits locaux et du terroir au format PDF File

Speciality and local produce of the Gallo region, the “Pommé” is like a kind of marmelade realized from a mix of apples brassed in a new cider. Although the pommé is exclusively…
Every week, enjoy the markets on Couesnon Marches de Bretagne and its surroundings to take a snatch or buy local food…

Philippe Dansette and Catherine Dhellin work on their sculptures and ceramic creations on their workshop in the town of Montours. Their offers interventions in socio-educational organisations and training courses announced on their Faccebook page.
■ Practical informations :
Workshop open every Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays between 2 PM and 7 PM or on appointment by request.
32 route du crochet – Montours 35460 LES PORTES DU COGLAIS
Phone : +33 (0)2 90 80 32 17 – +33 (0)6 46 22 78 59 – +33 (0)6 09 08 46 02

François Bagot, woodturner, created his micro-business “the Geppetto’s Nest”. He’s passionate about wood, so he create boxes, feeders, decorative items, dishes, cutting boards, rings, etc. He also copy balusters for stair restoration. You will find in his shop, gift ideas entirely made in Saint-Germain-en-Coglès with wood mainly local.
■ Practical information:
Shop open by appointment only.
45 Rocher de la Boulais 35133 Saint-Germain-en-Coglès
Phone : +33 (0)6 85 29 62 53

La P’tite Boutique is a grocery sotre where you will find many local produces, organic food, articles from fair trade, and a range of basic necessities : fruits, vegetables, creamery, teas, spices and wines…
■ Practical informations :
Open from Tuesday to Friday, 9 AM to 12.45 AM and 3 PM to 7 PM. Open on Saturday from 9 AM to 12.45 AM and from 14.30 PM to 18 PM.
4, rue de Verdun – Saint-Brice-en-Coglès 35460 MAEN ROCH
Phone : +33 (0)2 99 17 34 26
Local producer

The farm GAEC le Feuil is an organic agriculture organization. They sell organic beef (Simmental cattle) vacuum-packed and labelled 10 kg boxes, veal calves in vacuum-packed and labelled 5 kg boxes. In the summer, packages for barbecues are available, vacuum-packed and labelle. The farm sells self-service organic unpasteurized milk, all day from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM (remember to come with your own bottles).
■ Practical information :
Farm sale everyday from 5,30 PM to 6,30 PM, on order ake by phone. Reach Adrien Goupil.
Phone : +33 6 76 07 57 88
Local producer

Sylvie Douézy-Poul is a ceramist inspired by prehistory. She crafts modellings, pottery and tiles. Her works question about the essence of humanity, taking inspiration from the nature and noelithic and celtic potteries. She draws and engrave on her tiles animals peinted on the painted caves of paleolitic. A prehistoric inspiration, melted with her reading of Gaston Bachelard about the imaginary of the matter.
■ Practical informations :
Opening of the workshop on appointment.
5 impasse des Petites Cours – Montours 35460 LES PORTES DU COGLAIS
Phone : +33 (0)6 71 20 76 86

The Rouge-Gorge Farm is an agro-ecological gardening farm. Their take their inspiration from the techniques of market gardening on living soil (No or few intervention on the soil, addition of organic matter to feed the microorganisms). We grow our vegetables without chemicals. Fruit and “bocage” trees have an important place to give a variety of food and environment at the farm. We believe in reproductible landrace seeds to preserve the cultivated diversity and try to become autonomous with seeds. We also produce apple juice.
■ Practical information :
Sale at the market of Antrain, on Tuesday morning from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM from mid-May until mid-December, and at the summer market of La Fontenelle on Saturday morning from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM from July until the end of September.
Sale on the collaboration grocer’s shop Baz’art Café at Bazouges-la-Pérouse on Tuesday evening from 5 PM to 7 PM.
210, La Guermondais 35560 VAL-COUESNON
Phone : +33 (0)6 63 72 83 94
Local producer

Les Locos cook their products with organic flour from the local mills and with many products from local producers.
Buckwheat pancakes, crepes, bread cooked over a wood fire , pastries, rice pudding, buckwheat chips, buckwheat blinis, artisanal apple juice, cider vinegar, pommé.
■ Practical informations :
Sale on food truck on the markets of Bazouges-la-Pérouse (Thursday morning), of Saint-Ouen-la-Rouërie (Thursday from 3 PM to 7 PM) and of Saint-Brice-en-Coglès (Friday morning). Bread and pastries made-to-order the day before the cooking : Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
17, rue de la Croix Boisselée – Saint-Ouen-la-Rouërie 35460 VAL-COUESNON
Phones : +33 (0)6 31 50 60 33 – +33 (0)6 21 65 92 39
Local producer

Cattle farm of 330 sheep producing lamp meat with the French quality label Bleu Blanc Coeur. The lambing season spread all year along, so it’s possible to get certified lamp meat once by month. The quality, the love of sheep breeding, traceability and the short circuit are the main concern on this recent cattle farm. Lamp meat package and ewe merguez sausage in direct sale by ordering. Vacuum-packed with labelling.
■ Practical informations :
Le Haut Primaux – Saint-Étienne-en-Coglès 35460 MAEN-ROCH
Phone : +33 (0)7 88 46 18 80
Local producer

Shop of creators : gifts, soaps, jewels, bags, hats, cards …
■ Practical informations :
Open the Tuesday and the Thurday from 2.30 PM to 6.30 PM, the Wednesday from 10 AM to 12.30 AM and from 2.30 PM to 6.30 PM. The Friday from 10 AM to 6.30 PM. The Saturday from 10 AM to 6 PM.
2 Bis, rue Pasteur – Saint-Brice-en-Coglès – 35460 MAEN ROCH

Alain dehydrate by hand fruits and vegetables of the season from local producters. This method respects the environment and the food. It gives inexpected flavours, more intense. All its products are raw, without any preservative or additive. He offers hot or cold soups, gaspacho, vegetable broth without salt. Also fruit jelly with or without sugar, aromatic infusions, powder of mushrooms… it onyl remains to you to come “sentir et goûter” (smell and taste) !
■ Practical information :
Sale on the markets of Cesson-Sevigné and Betton on Saturdays and Sundays.
Tél : +33 (0)7 81 43 90 19
Local producer

Direct sales shop : biscuits, gourmet produces, apples drinks, a wide choice of galettes, shortbreads, cookies, chocolate biscuits, caramel, sweets. And local produce, like pommé, terrines, foie gras, sea products, apple juice, cider.
■ Practical information :
Open from Monday to Saturday, 9.30AM to 7PM.
Zone d’Activité Coglais Saint-Eustache – Saint-Étienne-en-Coglès 35460 MAEN ROCH
Phone : +33 (0)2 99 97 78 55
Local producer

Manuela Bagot, creative seamstress, created this micro-company in Brittany. Her creations are mainly for babies and mothers. She creates birth gifts (blankets, health notebooks, sleeping bags, etc.), origami mobiles but also zero waste items (paper towels, washable wipes, flat charlottes, bags, etc.)
■ Practical information:
Shop open by appointment only.
45 Rocher de la Boulais 35133 Saint-Germain-en-Coglès
Tel: 06 74 21 75 54

Sale every month of pigs and every three month chickens in organic production on command for particulars and professionals. Sale of sausages specialities in package of 5 kg or 8 kg for particulars and professionals.
■ Practical informations :
Farm sale the Friday from 2.00PM to 6.00PM
La Doubaie – Tremblay – 35460 VAL-COUESNON
Phone : +33 (0)6 95 95 86 85
Local producer

The Bio d’Orange farm offers packages of beef meat and veal feeded by their mother’s milk. Their cattle are essentially feeded by pasture grass of their land.
■ Practical information :
Beef sale every moth on reservation : packages are available on the farm the evening of the food-processing.
101, Le Bois d’Orange – Saint-Brice-en-Coglès 35460 MAEN ROCH
Phone : +33 (0)6 85 77 88 68
Local producer

Les Délices d’Astrid (Astrid delicacies) is born of a needed occupational retraining far from the screens. Astrid discovered beekeeping 4 years ago thanks to a friend beekeeper, and trained for 78 months in 2019. It became a passion. Today, she sells honey from her own hives and apple juice.
■ Practical information :
Sale on the markets of Combourg (Monday morning), Saint-Ouen-le-Rouërie (Thursday afternoon) and the Chèvrerie d’Eliss in Crollon (Friday afternoon).
Phone : +33 6 84 83 07 76
Local producer

Flour producer since the end of the 18th Century, the Marigny’s mill get its supplies of cereals (bread wheat and large spelled wheat) from local producers and storage agencies. With the help of a traditional water mill, the Minoterie Ferard produces and sells conventional and organic flours.
■ Practical informations :
Direct sale at the Mill from Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 12 AM and 2 PM to 6 PM. Appointment advised.
Le Moulin de Marigny 35133 SAINT-GERMAIN-EN-COGLÈS
Phone : +33 (0)2 99 95 45 20
Local producer

This is the story about four partners, sharing strong values as the love of their land, a passion of cattle breeding, sharing with people, pleasure of great meals…
They care about a herd of three dairy cow species : Prim’holstein, Montbéliarde and Jersey cattle. They are on the way to be certified as organic since February 2021.
Since three years ago, these farmers became flavour creators with many milk products : soft white cheese, butter, yogurts, crème fraîche and also a great salted butter caramel. These authentic products are intended to be simple, natural and eco-responsible (glass jars, reusable packages…)
■ Practical informations :
Farm market every Friday from 4 PM to 7 PM
Le Breil Samain 35560 SAINT-RÉMY-DU-PLAIN
Phone : +33 (0)6 71 02 57 86
Local producer

Sale of poultry farmed outdoors: chickens, guinea fowl, cans.
■ Practical information:
Home delivery : around 10km from Maen Roch. Sale on the markets : Thursday in Dinan and Saturday in Dol-de-Bretagne.
2 La Cruère, Saint-Etienne-en-Coglès, 35560 MAEN ROCH
Phone : +33 (0)2 99 97 80 94
Local producer

It’s a wide eclectic course, engaged in writing and photography, in drawing and some ludic creations Henceforth, we talk about a catalog of literary’ and visual’s works of art. These one are amazing : thought, written, illustrated and made by the author. Welcome to curious, passionated of art.
■ Practical informations :
Groups from 5 to 10 persons are welcomed, by appointment.
9, rue Angèle Vannier 35560 BAZOUGES-LA-PÉROUSE
Phone : +33 (0)7 68 81 01 79

Pork butchery, raised on straw and fattened with cereals: hams, terrines, sausages, bacon with Guerande salt.
■ Practical informations :
Farm sale : from Monday to Saturday, 9 AM to 12.30 AM and 2 PM to 6 PM
Present on the markets of Combourg and Sens-de-Bretagne (Monday), Antrain (Tuesday morning), Javené (Tuesday afternoon), Pontorson and Vieux-Vy-sur-Couesnon (Wednesday), Saint-Ouen-la-Rouërie (Thursday from 3 PM to 7 PM), Maen Roch (Friday morning), the Gaec des Domaines farm (Friday afternoon), Dol-de-Bretagne (Saturday morning).
La Rondaie – Tremblay 35460 VAL-COUESNON
Phone : +33 (0)2 99 98 20 89
Local producer

Created by Luc Lepennetier, this brewery produces artisanal and breton organic beers in bootles of 33 cl and 75 cl : la Boudette Triple, la Paumell Ambrée Ale, la Paumell Porter (dark beer) and la Bro Felger (lager). All the year, you could also discover several sets of beers, on limited edition. The brewery proposes, also, a pump rental service with barrels of 20L. La Paumell also produces an apple juice.
■ Practical information :
Farm sale the Friday, 4.30PM to 7.30PM. By appointment for the other days.
Le Guépillon – Saint-Ouen-la-Rouërie 35460 VAL-COUESNON
Phone : +33 (0)7 62 45 54 59
Local producer

Bruno Giffard makes its own bread knead by hand, cooked in a wood stove in a former bakehouse, made of organic flour, natural leaven, water and a bit of unrefined salt. It’s a complete and balanced food and its slow rise make a bread rich in aroma ideal for sweet or salted recipes. These breads weigh from 125 g to 1 kg or 2 kg and keep from 5 to 7 days in a cloth.
■ Practical informations :
Bakery every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Sale by order or at the markets of : Bazouges-la-Pérouse (Thursday morning), market athe the famr of GAEC des Domaines (Le Breil Samain on Saint-Rémy-du-Plain) on Friday between 3 PM and 7 PM, Vieux-Vy (Monday afternoon) and Pleine-Fougères (Tuesday morning).
Phone : +33 6 70 72 16 49
Local producer

The workshop carries out various services, from garden tools, to utilitarian objects of everyday life through the single-piece ornamental sculpture. Another vocation of this workshop is to make accessible the discovery and experimentation of the ancestral craft of blacksmith: initiation courses are possible all year round by appointment. Come play with the elements!
■ Practical informations :
Opening of the workshop on appointment.
Le Crapaudet 35560 RIMOU
Phone : +33 (0)6 77 48 74 54

Norman beef meat produced in organic agriculture, vacuum-packed with labeling : weight, identification, origin. Boxes from 10 to 12kg of Norman beef meat.
■ Practical informations :
Direct sale on appointment.
Phone : +33 (0)2 99 95 55 32
Local producer

Strawberry sale at the farm on punnets of 250 gram and 500 gram. Many species available in accordance with the morning harvesting. Soilless cultivation without use of pesticides with integrated biological methods.
■ Practical informations :
Sales on the farm from mid-April to the end of October, on Wednesday and Saturday between 1.00 PM and 5.00 PM or before 5.00 PM on appointment.
Le Croisé – Saint-Brice-en-Coglès 35460 MAEN ROCH
Phone : +33 (0)6 44 39 30 28
Local producer

This new creation and artistic exhibition place has settled recently on the Petite Cité de Caractère of Bazouges-la-Pérouse. The artist studio and the shop space gathers the work of Marine Chauvière-Coquin, ceramist, and Roland Chauvière-Coquin, painteur-linograveur.
■ Practical information :
1 place du monument 35560 BAZOUGES-LA-PEROUSE
Phone : +33 (0)6 47 55 92 60

Christine and Didier produce plants of old varieties of vegetables, mainly tomatoes and curcubits, plant of flavored plants, and 250 to 300 species of ornemental graminees. At your service, le Jardin d’Herbes brings you, also, pieces of advice and a help to the creation of your graminees’ garden. The site is conduced according to the methods of the Organic Farming with the certification Ecocert. Production on direct sale, present on some Plants festivals and some Biocoop shop.
■ Practical informations :
Direct sale the Wednesday and the Friday from 9 AM to 12 Pm and 2 PM to 6 PM. Online reservation possible and website.
La Cordonnais 35560 BAZOUGES-LA-PÉROUSE
Phone : +33 (0)2 99 97 40 85
Local producer

On our family-run farm, located less than 3 km from the center of Saint-Brice-en-Coglès, with our Montbéliardes dairy cow, we produce a milk certified as Bleu-Blanc-Cœur (french quality label). Live in a farm, share our values and excite your taste buds, that’s our passion and our will ! We transform ourselves our milk to offer on our farm dairy products of quality.
■ Practical information :
Farm sale on Wednesdays from 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM, Fridays from 5 PM to 7 PM and Saturdays from 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM.
Phone : +33 6 47 63 39 77
Local producer

Sale of honey, royal jelly, honey’s candies, propolis, fresh pollen…
■ Practical informations :
Open from Monday to Friday, 5 PM to 7 PM. The Saturday, 10.30AM to 6 PM
6, la Juquelière – Tremblay 35460 VAL-COUESNON
Phone : +33 (0)6 76 00 32 73
Local producer

In her works of art, Sabine Lerouxel is looking for forms and colors who render a moment or a vision. Using many techniques, discover little and large formats.
■ Practical informations :
Opening of her workshop on appointment.
9 rue de la Poterie 35560 BAZOUGES-LA-PÉROUSE
Phone : +33 (0)2 99 18 39 67

Breads, brioche and pastries, organic leavened bread baked on a wood fire : wheat, spelled, flax, sunflower, sesame, grape, fig, apricot and chocolate. Beef and veal of Aubrac cattle by package from 6kg to 10kg.
■ Practical informations :
Direct sale every Friday from 4.30PM to 7PM, and on the market of Fougères the Saturday mornings.
On command at the Coccimarket (St-Etienne-en-Coglès) and at La P’tite Boutique (St-Brice-en-Coglès) on Wednesday.
Phone : +33 (0)6 80 36 73 73
Local producer

Born of a passion, the Essencia brand deploys its talents of creator of flavored mixtures, respecting the tea and its universe, playing with the discovery and the pleasure. Importer and distributor of flavored and perfumed organic tea. More than 120 references of nature and flavored teas.
■ Practical informations :
Shop sale from Tuesday to Friday, 8.30 AM to 12 Am and 1.30 PM 5 PM.
4, ZA la Croix Rouge – 5, rue des Marches du Coglais – Saint-Brice-en-Coglès 35460 MAEN ROCH
Phone : +33 (0)9 51 44 83 08
Local producer

Les jardins des coccinelles is an organic fruit and vegetable farm created in April 2021. Respectful of the environment, Sabrina and Julien use living soil market gardening and agroforestry techniques. You can discover the wide range of vegetables and fruits during direct sales at the farm. Their commitment: seasonal, quality produce picked when ripe. Wishing to make the public aware of current environmental and food issues, the educational farm welcomes the public for events throughout the year.
■ Practical information :
Sale at the farm on Wednesdays and Fridays from 4pm to 7pm, as well as Saturday mornings from 10am to 12.30pm.
Phone number : + 33 (0)7 85 73 67 44
Local producer

Passionated about agroecology since more than 30 years, Michel Bobon replants, on his farm in agrobiology, hedges for landscape and water’s quality. He practices also conservation agriculture, for soil fertility and biodiversity. His animals are raised outdoor. Direct sale of veal in a box of 8kg, pork in 10kg, beef in 12kg, vacuum-packed organic food.
■ Practical informations :
Meat available on rappointment, the last Friday of each month from 6 PM to 7 PM, ready to eat or to freeze.
Le Plessix – La Fontenelle 35560 VAL-COUESNON
Phone : +33 (0)2 99 98 97 73 – +33 (0)7 87 40 45 41
Local producer

The Surminette farm offers in direct sales lamb meat in packages of various piece of meat, ideal for small or big families loving casserole or quick-cooking.
About the taste, lamb cattle are grass-fed on the farm fields, and give a great quality meat.
■ Practical information :
Available on command and farm sale appointment.
Phone : +33 (0)6 16 56 76 79
Local producer

Sylvain and Claire offers leaven bread, made with T80 organic flour, cultivated in Trans-la-Forêt and milled at the Moulin de Quincampoix at Rimou, with filtered water. Knead by hand, long fermentation (12 hours) at the ambient temparature, cooked in a wood stove. Breads of 2 kg or 1 kg, which can be kept one week, to order.
■ Practical infromation :
Bakery every Tuesday morning (order before Sunday night) with bread available to retrieve at :
– Baz’art café on Bazouges-la-Pérouse (5 PM/7 PM)
– Café Brocoli on Sens de Bretagne (5 PM/7 PM)
– AMAPortée on Saint-Ouen des Alleux (6 PM/7.30 PM).
Bakery every Friday morning (order before Wednesday night) with bread available at Romazy.
On order only (leave contact information).
Phone : +33 6 63 19 82 27
Local producer

Alpaca breeder since 1993 and miniature donkey breeder since 1997, Emmanuel proposes you his quiet animals for your green spaces. You could also find articles made of alpaca wool, without dye : rugs, ponchos, sweaters, scarfs, hats, socks, ball of wool…
■ Practical informations :
Visit by appointment
13, rue du Châtelet 35560 BAZOUGES-LA-PÉROUSE
Phone : + 33 (0)2 99 97 40 15
Local producer

Come and taste our apple and apple-mixed (elderberry, peer, lemon-ginger, cinnamon) juices, squeezed and issued from fruits picked in our organic orchards. 100% pasteurized apple juice, no added sugar, without conservative agent and food coloring agent. Bottles of 1 or 3 litres.
■ Practical informations :
Sale on reservation from Monday to Saturday, 9.00 AM to 7.00 PM
Phone : +33 (0)2 99 95 69 09
Local producer

Joëlle has a farm on Le Tiercent where she raise a small herd of Jersey cattle. She transforms all the milk of her cows into cheese : tomme du Coglais, St-Tiercelin anture of spicy, P’tit Jersiais and soft white cheese, butter, crème fraiche,cheese strainer, yogurts… passionate farmer, she is involved in sustainable development : no phytosanitary treatments, maintenance of bocage, short food supply chains… Milk-fed veal, beef and pig meat in packages of 5 kg and 10 kg.
■ Practical informations :
Farm sale by appointment. Present on the market of Saint-Brice-en-Coglès the Friday morning, of Combourg the Monday morning or on the summer market in Fougères the Saturday.
La Bourdinais 35460 LE TIERCENT
Phone : +33 (0)2 99 95 06 56
Local producer

Organic production of bread leavened and seasonal vegetables. Our wheat, produced on the farm, is ground at the Mill of Rimou and at the Mill of Saint-Germain-en-Coglès. Then, the wheat comes back at the farm to be baked. Bread leavened, soft bread and peasant bun are baked in a wood oven. In our farm, you will find, also, some produces of our colleagues.
■ Practical informations :
Farm sale Tuesday from 4.30 PM to 8 PM and commands on Friday.
La Basse Rouannerie – Montours 35460 LES PORTES DU COGLAIS
Phone : +33 (0)2 99 98 61 76
Local producer

Damien Pasquet, professional beekeeper, proposes you different honeys (spring, summer flower, chestnut…), propolis, royal jelly, candies, gingerbread, candles, soaps and pollen.
■ Practical informations :
Present on the market of Fougères the Saturday morning. Deposit sale on many shops in the area.
Le Bois Verdier – Tremblay 35460 VAL-COUESNON
Phone : +33 (0)6 63 58 02 02
Local producer

Since 2018, the La Grande Hacherie farm was renamed La Ferme à Bulles (Bubbling farm). With their she-ass breeding, Marie and Mathieu created an traditional soap factory where they trasnform ass’s milk into soap for sensitive skins, shampoo, soap for the body… You’ll also find massaging oil, bathing accessories, gift baskets, honey.
■ Practical informations :
Farm sale every Wednesday from 4 PM to 6.30 PM, present on the market of Fougères the Saturday mornings, possible order by mail.
La Grande Hacherie – 35490 CHAUVIGNE
Phone : +33 (0)9 51 11 28 38

Christof realizes unique pieces: eggs, columns, totems and archeological reproductions. On demand, he conceives utility parts. He proposes, also, initiation course and discovery workshops about the clay.
■ Practical informations :
Opening of his workshop by appointment.
7, rue du Maine 35560 BAZOUGES-LA-PÉROUSE
Phone : +33 (0)6 22 26 78 64

Marie-Joand her partners are raising cattle in their farm (organic veal and beef meat). Sale on packages of 10 kg and/or 7 kg with a selection which may contain (depend on the season) : bourguignon, rib steak, rib eye steak, tournedos, shank, beef only sausages.
■ Practical informations :
Sales on the farm on appointment.
Two farms : Le Beaumier and La Croix Madame – Saint-Brice-en-Coglès 35460 MAEN ROCH
Phone : +33 (0)6 34 59 01 73
Local producer

Sale of organic wheat flour, blackwheat flour, rye flour, yeasts and buckwheat husk. The Noel’s family live here since more than one century. In 1972, the choice has been made to commercialize only produces from natural processes. The french organic certification “bio” has been obtained in 1981 !
■ Practical informations :
Direct sale from Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 12 AM, and 2 PM to 6 PM.
Quincampoix 35560 RIMOU
Phone : +33 (0)2 99 98 25 71
Local producer

The Loisillière’s Farm proposes poultry in organic farming : chicken all year, chicken rillettes, duck rillettes, Guinea fowl, duck, duckling 2 or 3 times by year. Turkey and goose for celebrations.
■ Practical informations :
Farm sale on appointment. Farm sale the Friday from 4.00 PM to 6.00 PM.
La Loisillière – Montours 35460 LES PORTES DU COGLAIS
Phone : +33 (0)2 99 98 57 09
Local producer

Since 2005, the Memento Temporï art and history workshop has recreated the masterpieces of many civilizations through its reproductions of terracotta archaeological finds.
Their collections are intended to be eclectic. They regularly develop new creations from many ancient civilizations, from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, from pre-Columbian to Mesopotamian, to make discover or rediscover as much prestigious works of art as simple everyday objects.
■ Practical information:
Opening of the shop from Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm. Company visit on request.
ZA La Vallée – 4 rue de la carrière 35560 BAZOUGES-LA-PEROUSE
Tel: 09 51 39 66 43

Our great grand-father has planted apple trees on the 1950’s , so we carried on planting some to get the best juice. Today we began our apple juice production on the land of the Château de la Rouërie. The Marquis de la Rouërie at his time often fight in duel, we have naturally found the name of « Duel de Pommes » (Apple’s duel) for our brand of apple juice. This little production is blooming.
■ Practical informations :
Sale by appointement on email.
Local producer

Organic farm. Louise offers chickens (whole or cut), guinea fowl, eggs, rillettes and terrines. Poultry are farmed outdoors and are largely fed on farm-produced organic cereals. Chapons and poulardes for the holidays.
■ Practical information:
Sale at the farm on order on Friday afternoon. Present on the market of Liffré on Friday morning and Avranches on Saturday morning.
37 La Normandière 35460 Les Portes du Coglais – Montours.
Tel: +33 (0)6 51 22 23 66
Local producer

“Stung” by the bee world 4rth years ago, Fabien Riaux choose to turn his passion on his job since January 2022. Farmed near the quiet valley of the Couesnon river, the bees are producing various honeys throughout the seasonal blooms. He also offers products made from honey : mead, candys, gingerbread and nougat.
■ Practical information :
Direct farm sale on Fridays on odd weeks from 5 PM until 7 PM, and on the pair week on the market of Saint-Léger-des-Prés. Sale at the supermaret Utile and the local collaborative grocer’s shop Ba’Art Café.
1, la Maillardais 35560 BAZOUGES-LA-PEROUSE
Phone : +33 (0)6 24 14 83 54
Local producer