Speciality and local produce of the Gallo region, the “Pommé” is like a kind of marmelade realized from a mix of apples brassed in a new cider. Although the pommé is exclusively…
Every week, enjoy the markets on Couesnon Marches de Bretagne and its surroundings to take a snatch or buy local food…

EN ANGLAIS Tempore quo primis auspiciis in mundanum fulgorem surgeret victura dum erunt homines Roma, ut augeretur sublimibus incrementis, foedere pacis aeternae Virtus convenit atque Fortuna plerumque dissidentes, quarum si altera defuisset, ad perfectam non venerat summitatem. Intellectum est enim mihi quidem in multis, et maxime in me ipso, sed paulo ante in omnibus, cum […]

Out of the box THREE.js does check every triangle when performing a raycast against a mesh and there are no acceleration structures built into THREE. I’ve worked with others on the three-mesh-bvh package (github, npm) to help address this problem, though, which may help you get up to the speeds your looking for. Here’s how […]